Absolutely refused to get out bed this morning to run and felt sooo guilty about it. Ended up going out at 7pm.
Day two, Tuesday, went well. It was physically easier but much harder mentally. Went out for 20 minutes at 6:45am. Managed to run 4 minutes. Mind, these are not consecutive minutes. 14 years of smoking and the extra pounds are not going to have me moving too quickly.
Today, Thursday and day 3. I hooked up a playlist for my ipod that had a 5 minute walking song then alternated a 1 minute running song and then a 1:30 walking song. Played one of the walking songs twice. I wanted to quit after 3 intervals of running but I had told myself I'd do five running minutes. I did. 5 minutes of run, about 15 of walk. This time it was mentally easier and physically harder. After a number of minutes resting once back home my heartbeat was still at about 120bpms. Not cool. My shins were killing me like they did the first day (but not the second). There was some crampage but I tried to remember to breathe correctly, which seemed to help. So for the record, I've run 12 minutes this week. Aiming for six minutes running on Saturday or Sunday.
Feeling good.
Allen's grandmother died in hospital on Wednesday. She was sleeping. Leaving tomorrow afternoon for MD/DE. She was usually a sweet, funny/snarky lady. Like Allen's song title says "I hope the dream was beautiful."
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- CHRI§TER Never stop running up that hill, Tussy® pits.
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- Beau Brendt Kudos to your efforts! I'm proud of ya, sugah.
If you happen to swing by this fine city of mine, let me know. Would love to see ya.
Hope Allen and his fam are dealing well. Sounds like it was peaceful at least...
Run, Lola, Run.
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