05 September 2011

just ’cos

December 8, 2007

just cos I like it when two or three people read this.

I worked all five days this week. My home smells like cheap meat and cigarettes. Not mine. From downstairs. Manimals. Therefore I am smoking in the "study," I can't seriously refer to the room that the computer is in as the study. It seems disingenuous. Also, recently, I have lost at scrabble multiple times. Shame. What was the name of that game we played at Thanksgiving? It was a goodin. Like charades but better.

Also, goodreads.com. It hurts. I added all the (fiction) books from the shelves just so that I would have more books than any of my goodreads friends. I have not added reviews which makes my success somehow not as important. And I realized I haven't read as much Stephen King as I had assumed. Good or bad? His On Writing is pretty good, though. Would be better without his stupid rememberances of his childhood. It is not a complete list. And then people go, well, I'm not worried about adding everything I've read. Just starting from now. Oh, come on. Show off a little.

So tired. Had more to say but you know how my memory is. Even short-term. Wish friends from back east would come visit.

Come Visit.


Jennifer Gray
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    Beau Brendt
    I'll be number two. Being number 1 is a pompous disillusion. I feel ya. Or at least I feel the need to share a sentiment.

    Philly misses ya. 

    I'll come visit. Yeah. I can swing it. Well, once I find a new place to live. Welcome back to Philly life I comment silently to myself.

    So, enjoy your "Study". I will enjoy my rum and coke some animated black kids saying:

    "Dear Santa, You are a Bitch Ass Nigga."
    • Reply
    3 years ago

    It's not about showing off or not, this fucker is fucking lazy. 
    And seriously, if Mike can travel to Kenya only to have all of his clothing eaten by the worst infestation of locust in 45 years people can travel to Pittsburgh to see us. We miss you.
    • Reply
    3 years ago

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