04 September 2011


For posterity I am now going to commence copying and pasting my old myspace blog onto this old blog to have it all in one place. I fairly positive there was more before this date but Myspace won't let me at it for some reason... I could be wrong.

Beginning from April 1, 2005. 19:29

What I mean is...Face of a skeleton, body of a cow. Teenage angst.

Current mood:depressed
I love elipses. I grow tired of stalking. Why do people equate bathrooms with the ocean? I thought about this when I was walking down Chestnut Street earlier today. A lot of people put images of beaches in their bathrooms and it doesn't make any sense. I'm tired of being...a lot of things, a lot of nothing. I hate being like, "oh, there's someone who I can relate to or who might relate to me" and then finding out I am so absolutely wrong. I am me and no one else knows what that is. And even talking brings about no understanding. I am perpetually stuck in teenage angst.

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