21 May 2010

"The Time Has Come for You to Lipsync for Your Life," Again.

Interview today, 2:30pm.  For the job I've been doing since March 4th.  The job that was to last "through April," according to the original request.  This sucks.  So weird interviewing for your job.  Also, you can't imagine how anxious I get when it comes to interviews.  In the car on the way to work this morning, right before I almost starting crying hysterically, I said to Allen, "I'm so tired of failing!"  Jeez, just writing it is making me want to start crying again.  He tried to tell me that's not what it is, but I know the truth, oh, I know.  I have super crazy powers.  Emphasis on the crazy.   

I am seriously so bad, maybe bad isn't the word, I am so mediocre at interviewing and so bad at dealing with the rejection that I've investigated how to get disability benefits from the government.  Well, the underlying anxiety and depression issues in combination with poor interview skills pushed me in that direction.  And the encouragement of a relative who is legally disabled due to mental health issues.  But interviews, they make me want to shit myself and throw up at the same time.  Like, I literally feel like doing that.  *Gross*  The worst part is that I can't gauge how the two major decision makers for this position are leaning.  It's a university job so they have to follow protocol and do at least a few interviews, (it's me, two other ladies and one dude, I've only seen one of the ladies) but it's killing me.  I haven't had a real full-time job since, um, like 2000, when I still lived in Delaware.  I need some security!  And yes, it's only an Admin. position (Admin. II!) but you have to understand the emotional and psychological toll being "just a temp" takes on a person. Boy am I gonna regret this post if I don't get this job.  I foolishly have a lot of plans dependent on the outcome of this.  Like finding a new place to live that isn't an insectarium and either doesn't have grass or has grass that gets mowed on a regular basis.  And I would also like a place where the creepy downstairs neighbor, you may know him as "Silent But Deadly," doesn't smoke or make hot dog/fart smells that permeate my life.  But, hey, at least he's abnormally quiet.  

In other news, I watched Wolf Creek last night, and while it wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. 

Wolf Creek

There was something lacking that I can't quite put my finger on.  I felt like I needed a reason for why the antagonist was doing what he was doing.  I know, I know, it's supposed to be simply because he's "EVIL" or something, but seeing as I don't believe in evil, except as a human/religious construct, I wasn't buying him.  Allen also pointed out that TENSION was majorly lacking as well.  It did have the awesome "head on a stick" bit but then they never really did anything with it after that...

Then we watched some more of Marble Hornets.  I think we stopped on 21.  I really enjoyed Leslie's comment on FB about it: "PS why the shit arent WE making this stuff? You folks have some of the sickest most creative minds I know! Dare I suggest we put down the dice and pick up the cheap handhelds?"

Really, why the shit aren't we?      

Coming up: Girl Hero blogs about the death of her father?  Is Girl Hero ready for that?  Is the world? 


  1. sorry i'm commenting all over your shit today ! i have similar problems with anxiety to the point where i basically like... vomit and cry any time i have to talk to a 'grown up' (like, anyone in a position of authority over me), so interviewing is super rough. i was a temp at penn in my current position before i got the job and i didn't realize they had to interview other people so as i saw my boss go into interview after interview with other candidates i basically like... got diarrhea and puked for days and was catatonic. when i got the job and was told the other interviews were a farce i was like.. barely relieved.

    good luck, i hope you get it ! if you've already been doing a good job they'll probably be too lazy to hire anyone else, at the very least.

  2. good luck with the job. i agree with roxy's "if you've already been doing a good job they'll probably be too lazy to hire anyone else" statement.

    also jeanne and i watched Wolf Creek last night. She had never seen it before. I like it. It's an australian texas chainsaw (so nothing new) but its done well. there arent super trim/tan/plasticsurgeryed teens fucking and gettin stalked. its gritty and creepy. I like the isolation that part of the world adds to it as well. You may like his other movie Rogue better. its more fun. Giant crocodile movie in the outback.
